Yes, God does listen, even when we don't even think about it, He listens. So whether it is something big, or just part of everyday life, He listens. He knows. And He cares.
I have been off of work for the last round-about 6 weeks from my back surgery, just a healing up! So, I have been sitting on the couch a lot, watching some T.V., and working on the computer. I have come to leave the T.V. on TBS most of the time, and there are quite a few sitcom shows that come on that I have grown to like. King of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, The Office, and Friends. So, it is safe to say that over the last 6 weeks or so, these shows have kind of grown on me.
Today is Sunday. These sitcoms generally run Monday through Friday. Earlier today I was just driving down the road, and for some reason the urge to watch Everybody Loves Raymond hit me. But I knew it didn't come on until tomorrow. That kind of bummed me out, for about 2 minutes, and then I was over it and didn't think of it again.
Tonight, sitting here half on the computer, half watching T.V. and half talking to my wife, I came across a block of Everybody Loves Raymond. It's funny, but I felt something stir inside of me when I saw this block. Something spoke out of this stirring, and it sounded like "I listen."
This was out of nowhere. It doesn't have any obvious meaning, other than God listens to us. And more than that, He answers things that we don't even ask of Him. Why? Because He loves us. He cares for us. And He wants us to do the same for Him.
But, what about this? God has a plan set before us, that truly was and is before us. We are part of His big plan. Are we not drawn to His plan? Rather than our desires altering what He already has laid out, to make us happy?
The T.V. show Everybody Loves Raymond was scheduled probably way before I had this sudden desire to watch the show today while driving down the road. The T.V. show was on a path, so was I drawn to the path for the simple reason that it was there. What I mean by this is, my desire today, more-than-likely, did not alter the T.V. stations line up; it did not change for me. But what if I changed for it?
The T.V. show Everybody Loves Raymond obviously makes me happy. This is why I desired to see the show. And it was there for me.
God, is the same way, only way bigger than Everybody Loves Raymond! His plan is our desire, or should I say: Our desire is already His plan. His plan is what we desire, and that plan is to desire Him. So, we are drawn to Him, by what He has put inside of us. It is up to us to listen to it, and seek after it. The joy is that if we will simply do this, He will provide. He is there for us. Right now. Waiting to make us smile, and laugh.